Accredited Programs and Onsite Training
FSS, Inc. works with many state licensing entities on accredited programs that get recertification credits. These programs help individual license holders maintain their certifications. We also help companies with their own site inspection, insect identification and preventative programs by performing onsite training for clients. This awareness helps empower and educate those that spend the most time in and around your facility.
FSS, Inc. co-hosts our international Fumigants and Pheromones Conference all over the world. This conference brings together the best minds in pest management to collaborate and cross-train on best practices. It is truly a top-notch program for anyone wishing to blend some travel with an exceptional stored product pest management educational opportunity.
Stored Product Pests
FSS, Inc. specializes in monitoring and controlling SPP. This sub-set of insects are very damaging to commodities and food. These pests alone are responsible for billions of dollars in losses every year.
Stored Product Pests are often very difficult to control. FSS, Inc. is a full-service pest management provider. Our experienced staff will be able to help you find the solution to your SPP issues.
Below are some SPPs that we encounter most frequently. Please contact us if you need help with identification or have an issue at your facility.